Namespace documents

It’s a W3C convention / requirement that we publish namespace documents for each namespace that we define.

We’re in danger of getting ourselves into version & variant problems on these, and I’m not sure what the policy is.

The current public version of <>

includes functions defined in XPath 3.1 and in XSLT 3.0, and it also includes the analyze-string schema (but not yet the json-to-xml schema).

A request for <>

returns “insufficient access privileges”.

Both the above namespaces are under “joint control” and we need to be clear about who takes responsibility for updating them when new specs are released.

The same also applies to the collation URIs that we define; for some reason we publish “namespace documents” for these even though they are not namespaces.

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 6 November 2015 09:53:59 UTC