Minutes XSLT WG Telcon 03 December 2015

>6 XSLT Draft

Published CR:

>6.1 Testing
>  From last telcon: MK: it's most productive to write tests
>when there's an implementation to test them against (otherwise you get the
>tests wrong).
>There are significant gaps for streaming and for packaging where new tests
>would be welcome
>and where existing (or imminent) implementations can be used to "test the
>  From SCA: need a plan going forward on eliminating or substantially
>closing this gap referred to in MK statement above.
>7.0 Namespace Problem
>    There is an action item on the generation of namespace documents.
>8.0 Pending - from Joint Meeting
>   J4.7.1 Bug 29146 - [FO31] fn:transform options update
>Status: Pending outcome of XSL WG's discussion on this.

Mike Kay proposal in:


Debbie and Abel made comments - see bug report.

Abel wants the following to be discussed from his comment 5:

1) e.g. characters not valid (xml1.1 valid ones not valid in xml1.0)
   in the caller.
   Good point.
11) seems very difficult to specify and seems not to be cost-effective
    to change and seems to be an enhancement.
17) (as well as comment 6) we need to relax the determinism requirement.
    Mike Kay to develop a proposal.
3) Mike Kay thinks this adds extra complexity. MSMQ wonders if it could
   be defined by EXPath. Some of the values are not just "strings".
   It was decided not to make any changes based on this comment.

ACTION: 2015-12-03-002: Mike Kay to respond to the comments made in
        comments 4-7 in bug 29146.

Meeting adjurned.

>9.0 Spec bugs since entering CR - first bug #29234

We will count Editorial bugs for the transition, but they
will not be tracked in the agenda.

>29234  [xslt30ts] package-908  Discuss
>29256  accept-041c - error XTSE3080    Discuss
>29307  [xslt30] Typo in F.6 ยง2         editorial - do not track
>29311  [XSLT30] First example in http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-30/#map-examples
>superfluous closing }  Editorial - Do not track.
>29312  [XSLT30] First example in   section
>http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-30/#iterate does lack a
>   format-number call  Discuss
>29313  [XSLT30] Second example in section
>http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-30/#iterate has
>superfluous single quote   Editorial - do not track.

29269 [FO31] map:for-each still mentions map:for-each-entry
  Editorial (fixed in FO, but not XSLT)

Received on Thursday, 3 December 2015 18:17:54 UTC