Re: Action A-669-01

ACTION A-669-01: MK to prepare an erratum for Bug 30133, prepare new 
errata document. ETA 29 August. 

I've had a first stab at reinstating the errata technology we used for (some of) the 1.0/2.0 specs. There's a schema for errata at build/errata.xsd, and a stylesheet at errata.xsl; the source document is errata.xml. Each erratum consists of one or more change elements, each of which can include old-text and new-text; the old text can be specified inline, or by means of a path expression pointing into the XML source document. The result is at

I've no idea if the effort of setting this up will prove worth the trouble, but since it all existed for 2.0 I thought it was worth reviving it, and once it's running it certainly saves effort and helps to achieve consistency. (The tooling actually allows the errata to be automatically applied to update the source document, though I'm not sure we've ever been brave enough to do that, and it only works if the source document is undivided.)

Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 28 August 2017 22:04:48 UTC