Re: Making editors' drafts public

> I think that can be automated on a per-spec basis, so a possibility is
> [1] minimal, and I think sufficient:
> * on a commit of Overview.html in any spec in qt-pecs, a process will copy
> the HTML into a public area and also change the CSS
>   as needed;
> * the list of specs for which this is done would be maintained by hand.
> More disruptive:
> [2] move to using public CVS for specs, or
> [3] move to using github
> I'm not in favour of [3] because it's needless disruption right now, and
> because it'd break the build system.
> A consequence of [2] would be that the CVS logs might become public - or we
> could abandon CVS version history and check in clean versions of everything.

I would be happy to offer my time to work on [3]. Anything to get us
away from CVS is a step in the right direction as far as I am
concerned. Of course this could be done at a later stage after making
things public if that is desirable.

If I did this I would attempt to migrate the CVS history to a Git
repo. I have some experience of migrating CVS -> SVN -> Git and
maintaining the history, I guess we could skip the intermediate step

Adam Retter

eXist Developer
{ United Kingdom }

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:18:13 UTC