RE: ISSUE-12 identifying conformant schemas

Attached are some schematron files which I created in an attempt to identify basic patterns in the examplexsd.xsd file.

It works against using Saxon 8 as the processor.


Three approaches which correspond to the patternRules files. 

1) use the "one schematron pattern per schema pattern" approach which seems to work best.

2) just use one schematron pattern with one rule (context of root) and multiple reports/asserts. This behaves in the same way as the "one schematron pattern per schema pattern" approach but only reports/asserts the first occurrence of a schema pattern. Which means you don't get information about the individual complexType/simpleType/element which is firing the rule.

3) just use one schematron pattern with multiple rules (one for each schema pattern).  The problem here is that only the first rule matched is fired so it's pretty useless! This also seems to be the only sensible way to use the catch all @*|* rule unless I'm mistaken.


This simply allows a list of patterns that have been detected to be listed. What we really want is a list of patterns that are detected as not being present in the basic patterns and highlight these as an issue. How do you do that without actually looking specifically for them? 



Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2006 20:28:59 UTC