from January 2006 by subject

[public-xsd-databinding] <none>

Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 10 Jan 2006

Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 17 January 2006

Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 24 January 2006

Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 31 January 2006

Issue - 7 minOccurs=0 etc

Issue tracking ..

ISSUE-10: Mapping Element and Type names

ISSUE-11: Use case submissions to the test suite

ISSUE-12: indentifying a conformant schema

ISSUE-13: Using PSVI Features in Schemas

ISSUE-14: xs:default handling by generated types

ISSUE-15: Null datatype pattern as used by ASN.1 and others

ISSUE-16: Multiple patterns for a single data structure

ISSUE-2: WSDL and the Test Suite

ISSUE-4: Collection of Databinding Implementations

ISSUE-5: Open Enumerated Type

ISSUE-5: Open Enumerated Type (NEW ISSUE?)

ISSUE-6: mapping of enumerated values containing non-alphanumerics

ISSUE-7 minOccurs=0 & xsi:nil

ISSUE-7: xsi:nil and minOccurs=0

ISSUE-8: Using patterns to constrain numerical types

ISSUE-9: Support for xs:union

mapping of XML names into programming language

Minutes from XML Schema Patterns for Databinding call 17 January 2006

Minutes from XML Schema Patterns for Databinding call 24 January 2006

Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 10 January 2006

NEW ISSUE: minOccurs=0 and xsi:nil (resent with subject line)

NEW ISSUE: Using patterns to constrain numerical types

NEW ISSUE: Using PSVI Features in Schemas

NEW ISSUE: xs:default handling by generated types

XML name to C-like identifier mapping (Was: Re: ISSUE-5: Open Enumerated Type)

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2006 09:06:39 UTC