Draft Minutes, 4 October 2011

Attached are minutes from today's call, 4 October 2011. I scribed.

Note that the W3C process does not impose quorum requirements unless the charter does [1]. The XML Security charter does not impose a quorum requirement so we went ahead and made some decisions such as adopting the note Magnus suggested, and approving the previous minutes. I don't think these are controversial. 

I'll send out a proposed change regarding MGF and XML Encryption1.1, with an email call for consensus.

The teleconferences on 6 December and 27 December are cancelled.

HTML minutes follow the text. 

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security WG

[1] "The Process Document does not require a quorum for decisions (i.e., the minimal number of eligible participants required to be present before the Chair can call a question). A charter may include a quorum requirement for consensus decisions."

Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 14:49:49 UTC