Fwd: [widgets] W3C Widgets Digital Signatures implementer feedback

Proposal below to simplify "Digital Signatures for Widgets" to only require C14N and not C14N11, see below. 

The current Digital Signatures for Widgets CR draft is at http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets-digsig/

The draft currently states:


A ds:Reference to same-document XML content MUST have a ds:Transform element child that specifies the canonicalization method. Canonical XML 1.1 MUST be specified as the Canonicalization Algorithm for this transform. A ds:Reference that is not to same-document XML content MUST NOT have any ds:Transform elements.

An implementation SHOULD be able to process a ds:Reference to same-document XML content when that ds:Reference does not have a ds:Transform child element, for backward compatibility. In this case the default canonicalization algorithm Canonical XML 1.0 will be used, as specified in XML Signature 1.1.

Note: The relevant section in XML Signature 1.1 is section, "The Reference Processing Model". This section states "Unless the URI- Reference is such a 'same-document' reference , the result of dereferencing the URI-Reference MUST be an octet stream. In particular, an XML document identified by URI is not parsed by the signature application unless the URI is a same-document reference or unless a transform that requires XML parsing is applied." In the same section the specification notes, "In this specification, a 'same- document' reference is defined as a URI-Reference that consists of a hash sign ('#') followed by a fragment or alternatively consists of an empty URI…" [XMLDSIG11].


If you have implementation experience or comment you might wish to respond on the public-webapps list.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

Begin forwarded message:

> From: ext Marcos Caceres <marcosc@opera.com>
> Date: January 26, 2011 8:42:45 AM EST
> To: public-webapps WG <public-webapps@w3.org>
> Subject: [widgets] W3C Widgets Digital Signatures implementer feedback
> Dear Web Apps WG,
> Opera would like to provide some feedback based on our implementation 
> experience of the Widgets Digsig specification.
> Generally, we found that the specification is implementable but have 
> significant concerns about the requirement on XML Canonicalization 1.1. 
> Basically, we found that in practice you don't need it for this version 
> of the spec as widget signatures do not make use of the things 
> Canonicalization 1.1 addresses.
> We would like to propose the specification be changed to use XML 
> Canonicalization 1.0 throughout the specification.
> If other implementers have found the same thing (i.e., they don't 
> require Canonicalization 1.1), then please lets start a discussion about 
> what changes need to be made to the specification and the potential 
> impact of using Canonicalization 1.0 exclusively throughout.
> If we get rapid agreement, then we can move to updating the spec, 
> changing the test cases, and republishing as a new LC ASAP.
> Kind regards,
> Marcos

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2011 14:40:27 UTC