Re: Changes to 2.0 draft


Thanks for making the various changes.

Regarding the following:

> Looking at the document in its new "resting state", my personal suggestion would be to balance out the section on Transforms by moving the general descriptions of Selection and Verifications into that section (essentially "defining" the new 2.0 Transform algorithm) and leave the enumerated lists of Algorithms and Types for those concepts in their own top level sections. But YMMV.

 I agree some additional changes would be helpful. I suggest we make two changes

1.  Add new section before Algorithms section for Content Selection and Verification syntax and overview
2. Restructure the Algorithms transform section to include algorithms/identifiers for selection/verification as you suggest

Thus, in detail, I propose these two changes:

(A) Add a new section 8, as follows (before Algorithms section):

8 Content Selection and Verification

(renamed from 8.5,  "The Transform Algorithm" )

8.1 The Selection Element

(contains original 8.6 and 8.6.1, without additional subsection)

8.1.1 The  Selection IncludedXPath Element

(from 8.6.5)

8.1.2 The SelectionExcludedXPath Element

(from 8.6.6)

8.1.3 The Selection ByteRange Element

(from 8.6.7)

8.2 The Verification Element

(B) Update the Algorithms section  as follows (now numbered 9 instead of 8, and omitting sections that were moved to the new section 8 noted above), changed titles:

9 Algorithms

9.5 The XML Signature 2.0 Transform Algorithm and Identifiers

(for clarity revise title)

9.5.1 Selection of XML Documents or Fragments

(from 8.6.2)

9.5.2 Selection of External Binary Data

(from 8.6.3)

9.5.3 Selection of Binary Data within XML

(from 8.6.4)

9.5.4 Verification of Digested Data Length

(from 8.7.1)

9.5.5 Verification of  Position

(from 8.7.2)

9.5.6 Verification - ID Name Identification

(from 8.7.3)

Note that I think we should try to avoid deep section nesting, hence kept these to level 3 of headings, which I think is still clear.

What do WG members think? I can go ahead and make this change - if you have suggestions please post to public list.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Jan 4, 2011, at 3:55 PM, ext Cantor, Scott E. wrote:

> I've completed all the outstanding changes I agreed to make apart from working on an example. The full summary:
> - Altered Selection syntax to use an Algorithm attribute and replaced the old Type/Subtype identifiers with a new set. Added these algorithms to the 2.0 conformance section, and tweaked text early in the document that mentioned Type/Subtype.
> - Altered descriptions of XPath processing so that the context node is the document root
> - Changed the state requirements for the c14n interface to be the namespace stack only, no tracking of xml:base, xml:space, xml:lang required.
> - Changed the Verification syntax to use a common Verification element with a Type attribute inside a Verifications wrapper. Converted simple content model verification (DigestDataLength and PositionAssertion) to XML attributes to avoid mixed content model inside Verification. Added these Types to the 2.0 conformance section and adjusted various sections to reflect the new syntax.
> Looking at the document in its new "resting state", my personal suggestion would be to balance out the section on Transforms by moving the general descriptions of Selection and Verifications into that section (essentially "defining" the new 2.0 Transform algorithm) and leave the enumerated lists of Algorithms and Types for those concepts in their own top level sections. But YMMV.
> -- Scott

Received on Wednesday, 5 January 2011 18:44:55 UTC