Editorial update - Generic Hybrid Ciphers

I have switched to using ReSpec for Generic Hybrid Ciphers, also  
moving the source to a new directory in CVS.

Thus please change any saved bookmark you have for this document. I've  
updated the publications status page appropriately.

The new editors draft URL is


I fixed the issues Magnus noted, as well as two issues Makoto noted:

(1) In section 4.2.1 replaced

"The GenericHybridCipherMethod element shall appear as a child element  
of xenc:EncryptedData or xenc:EncryptedKey when Generic-Hybrid is
specified as the Algorithm value of an xenc:EncryptedData or  
xenc:EncryptedKey element."


"The GenericHybridCipherMethod element shall appear as a child element  
of the xenc:EncryptionMethod element when generic-hybrid is specified  
as the value of the xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm attribute."

see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-comments/2010Mar/0001.html

(2) fixed algorithm identifer in example in section 6

see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-comments/2010Mar/0000.html

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

Received on Tuesday, 9 March 2010 13:07:15 UTC