RE: ACTION-543: Make proposals for the last two points noted in ISSUE-43 comments

> Adding these warnings is fine.
> But changing the datatype in the schema may have some unintended
> consequences.  In XML binding APIs, e.g. like JAXB which takes an XML
> and creates Java classes from it, changing the xml schema from int to
> creates an incompatible change in the java class.

Why would that be a problem unless somebody creates an instance that carries
a non-integer serial number? That's supposed to be invalid anyway, so all I
can see it doing is changing the error you get.

> So I would suggest that
> we do not modify the normative version of the schema,  but we can make an
> unofficial errata-merged version available. New Dsig implementations can
> start with modified version.

That's fine with me, but I wanted to represent the opinion that I've heard
from various other communities that leaving schemas broken in the interest
of stability makes us look "stupid" (their words, not mine).

-- Scott

Received on Tuesday, 1 June 2010 18:44:18 UTC