ACTION-606: Check extensibility of ds:Reference element

It looks like I was assigned an action last call to find out whether the
schema would accommodate the proposal to add some kind of digested data
length information.

ds:Reference is not attribute or element extensible, but the ds:DigestMethod
child element that identifies the digest algorithm is element extensible.

But I don't know what the impact on existing implementations would be to add
a child element there. Ideally they would ignore it for algorithms defined
today, that don't take any parameters, but they could be more brittle.

I think those RELAX schemas are also performing validation based on the URI
attribute and possibly precluding child content in ds:DigestMethod since
those algorithms don't define any children today.

OTOH, it's probably a fairly appropriate place to put it (though obviously
the ideal would be an attribute on DigestMethod, which isn't possible).

-- Scott

Received on Saturday, 10 July 2010 18:20:47 UTC