ISSUE-178: Highlight additional text constraints on XSD schema as such. [Enc11 (XML Encryption 1.1)]

ISSUE-178: Highlight additional text constraints on XSD schema as such. [Enc11 (XML Encryption 1.1)]

Raised by: Frederick Hirsch
On product: Enc11 (XML Encryption 1.1)

Makoto Murata noted the following:

There is a difficulty in interpreting the XML encryption 1.1 specification. 

Some sentences appear to repeat what is specified in schemas, and others specify what is NOT specified in schemas.  It is very difficult to distinguish which statement belongs to which group.

XML 1.0 has an EBNF as well constraints (wellformedness and validity constraints).  Constraints are clearly marked as such.  As a result, readers can easily tell which statement specifies what is NOT 
specified in the EBNF.  Is it still possible to do something similar in your specs?

Received on Monday, 18 January 2010 17:44:16 UTC