Brad Hill
Ed Simon
- 2009-08-11 minutes
- RE: Clarifying XPath Filtering Transform text (pertains to Action-350, ACTION-356, etc.)
- Re: Clarifying XPath Filtering Transform text (pertains to Action-350, etc.)
Edgar, Gerald
- Regrets: 09-01-2009
- Issue-60 - open - Define requirements for XML Security and EXI usage
- Issue-47 still open.
Frederick Hirsch
- Agenda: Distributed Meeting 2009-09-01 v2 (resend)
- Fwd: The RELAX NG schema for XML-Signature
- Fwd: The RELAX NG schema for XML-Signature
- Fwd: The RELAX NG schema for XML-Signature
- Agenda: Distributed Meeting 2009-09-01
- Randomized hashing work item - proposal and decision for 1.1
- Re: ACTION-127: Tade-offs between different extensibility mechanisms
- Agenda: Distributed Meeting 2009-08-11
- Please register for XML Security F2F at TPAC
- Re: Comments on July 8 2.0 signature draft
- Schema for the new 2.0 transform element
- Re: C14N 2.0 initial draft