RE: Strawman proposal for modified Transform processing for Streamability

> Also ebXML needs to use a condition in their XPath expression, because
> want to exclude from the signature, all header elements whose actor is
> nextMSH. That's why I included attribute based predicates, in the XPath
> subset.

Isn't that kind of a slippery slope? I imagine most of the features we think
are complex were put there to address somebody's use case. If we want
something simpler, the criteria probably shouldn't be based around the fact
that *somebody* thinks it's useful.

I am swayed by the idea that the expression language ought to be XPath
compatible though, unless there's a good reason to make it incompatible.
Streaming is of no interest to me, for example, so being able to use a
standard library that exists already is a plus.

-- Scott

Received on Thursday, 4 September 2008 00:02:06 UTC