Re: Charter decision next Tuesday

Concern here is that this proposed charter does not address the issues that
we have today such as performance and footprint. It seems to be continuing
to go down the existing path, we should be exploring way not to have to use
C14N and smaller more efficient algorithms.

Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122

  From:       Frederick Hirsch <>                                                              
  To:         XMLSec XMLSec <>                                                               
  Cc:         Frederick Hirsch <>                                                              
  Date:       01/17/2008 07:41 AM                                                                                        
  Subject:    Charter decision next Tuesday                                                                              

As we discussed in the this week's teleconference  we plan to agree
as a working group on next week's call (22 January) to advance the
draft charter proposal [1] into the Advisory Committee review process.

This means we agree that the draft we have is substantively correct
and that the next step is to put it into the appropriate document
format, perform some minor editorial adjustments and share with the
W3C Team and then Advisory Committee representatives for review.

We would like to complete the chartering process so as to be able to
have a new working group start in April.

If you have any review comments or concerns with this charter, please
raise on the list before next weeks call.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch


Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 20:39:09 UTC