RE: Updated implementation report for c14n 1.1

Thanks, Thomas.  

This looks quite good.  Just a couple suggestions.

When I bring up this document in IE6.x, most of the links aren't
shown as links.  This must be an IE6.x bug.  I'm guessing it's
due to having things like:

  <a href=

(a line break between href= and the quoted value), but when
I save the HTML locally, I don't have the same problem, so I
can't really figure it out.  Maybe you could try to have the
source break differently and see if it makes a difference.  Or
else we can just tell folks not to use IE--it seems to work
fine in other browsers.

Also, no where in either the IR or the Test Cases document is
there really any information about the implementations.  I assume
these implementations aren't secret--in fact, I would think the
various implementors would appreciate a bit more publicity.  So
it seems to me there should be a section in either the IR or in
the Test Cases document that lists the implementations along with
a pointer for each implementation to any more information that
implementor cares to give.  Or perhaps you could just ask each
implementor to provide a URL that points to whatever info they
care to provide and then make the implementor name in the header
of the test results table a link to that URL.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Roessler [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 2008 January 08 7:04
> To:
> Cc:; Grosso, Paul;;
> Subject: Updated implementation report for c14n 1.1
> Hello,
> I've done some clean up on the test case document, and added a brief
> summary to the implemenetation report.  I hope this is more useful
> now, and would appreciate any feed-back you might have:
> Regards,
> -- 
> Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 15:02:45 UTC