Re: [Fwd: C14N 1.1 CR draft [was: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2007 May 9]]

Hi Frederick,

... it seems as if some of the changes are included already ...

Maybe the following text could benefit from using the term "document 
order" because the ancestor axis is in reverse document order and 
confusion may arise ...
> Given this "join URI" function for |xml:base| fix up the processing of 
> the attribute axis of an element */E/* in the node-set will be 
> enhanced further. The element nodes along */E/*'s ancestor axis are 
> now examined for all occurrences of |xml:base|, that have been omitted 
> (i.e. they are not in the node-set). Let */E/* be an element in the 
> node set whose ancestor axis contains successive elements 
> */E1/*...*/En/* that are omitted and */E/*=*/En/*+1 is included. Then 
> fix-up is only performed if one of */E1/* ... */En/* has an |xml:base| 
> attribute. In that case let */Xm/* ... */X1/* be the values of the 
> |xml:base| attributes on */En/*...*/E1/* (in order from outermost to 
> innermost). The sequence of values is reduced to a single value by 
> first combining */Xm/* with */Xm-1/*, then the result with */Xm-2/*, 
> and so on by calling the "join URI" function described previously 
> until the new value for */E/*'s |xml:base| attribute remains. The 
> result may also be null or empty (|xml:base=""|) in which case 
> |xml:base| MUST NOT be rendered.

A draft ....

Given this "join URI" function for xml:base fix up the processing of the 
attribute axis of an element E in the node-set will be enhanced further. 
The element nodes along E's ancestor axis are now examined for all 
occurrences of xml:base, that have been omitted (i.e. they are not in 
the node-set). Let E be an element in the node set whose ancestor axis 
contains successive elements En...E1 (in reverse document order) that 
are omitted and E=En+1 is included. Then fix-up is only performed if at 
lest one of E1 ... En has an xml:base attribute. In that case let X1 ... 
Xm be the values of the xml:base attributes on E1 ... En+1 (in document 
order, from outermost to innermost, m <= n+1). The sequence of values is 
reduced in reverse document order to a single value by first combining 
Xm with Xm-1, then the result with Xm-2, and so on by calling the "join 
URI" function described previously until the new value for E's xml:base 
attribute remains. The result may also be null or empty (xml:base="") in 
which case xml:base MUST NOT be rendered.

 - index now aligned with document order
 - clearly expresses that E = En+1's value is to be considered too (if 
exists it has the index m)
 - m <= n+1 clarifies that index 1..n may not correlate with 1..m

Thoughts ?


Konrad Lanz schrieb:
> Hi Frederick,
> maybe you want to get in touch with the XML Core WG ...
> ... it seems as if Paul is progressing with C14n already ...
> regards
> Konrad
> P.S.: Is there anything I should mention in tomorrows XML Core WG 
> telco ...
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Betreff:     C14N 1.1 CR draft [was: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 
> 2007 May 9]
> Weitersenden-Datum:     Mon, 07 May 2007 21:53:45 +0000
> Weitersenden-Von:
> Datum:     Mon, 7 May 2007 17:51:14 -0400
> Von:     Grosso, Paul <>
> An:     <>
> Referenzen: 
> <> 
> <>
>     From: On Behalf Of Glenn Marcy
>     Sent: Monday, 2007 May 07 16:39
>     To:
>     Subject: Re: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2007 May 9
>           > ACTION to Glenn:  Produce a CR draft     
>     Coming soon.     
>     Regards,     Glenn     
> ________________________________
> Glenn's latest draft is at
> paul

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2007 19:13:46 UTC