- From: Juan Carlos Cruellas <cruellas@ac.upc.edu>
- Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 15:07:45 +0200
- To: XMLSec <public-xmlsec-maintwg@w3.org>
Dear all, This message is in response to action 60: Investigate mime types vs uri. First I compile all the sentences in XMLSig that refer to one and the other, and afterwards, starting from these sentences I try to reach some conclusions or formulate questions where I am not able to reach them. 1. Sentences on attribute ds:Reference's Type attribute. This is of type xs:anyURI. 1.1 Section 4.3.3 says: "The |Type| attribute facilitates the processing of referenced data. For example, while this specification makes no requirements over external data, an application may wish to signal that the referent is a |Manifest" 1.2 Section For this section we have produced two sentences that read as follows: | "The optional Type attribute contains information about the type of object being signed after all |ds:Reference| transforms have been applied. This is represented as a URI. For example:" The Type attribute applies to the item being pointed at, not its contents. For example, a reference that results in the digesting of an |Object| element containing a |SignatureProperties| element is still of type |#Object|. The type attribute is advisory. No validation of the type information is required by this specification." 2. Sentences on attribute ds:Object's mimeType attribute. This is of type xs:string. 2.1 Section 4.5 says: " The |MimeType| attribute is an optional attribute which describes the data within the |Object| (independent of its encoding). This is a string with values defined by [MIME <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#ref-MIME>]. For example, if the |Object| contains base64 encoded PNG <http://www.w3.org/Graphics/PNG/>, the |Encoding| may be specified as 'base64' and the |MimeType| as 'image/png'. This attribute is purely advisory; no validation of the |MimeType| information is required by this specification. Applications which require normative type and encoding information for signature validation should specify |Transforms <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#sec-Transforms>| with well defined resulting types and/or encodings." 3. Conclusions On ds:Reference's Type attribute XMLSig says that "contains information about the type of object being signed after all |ds:Reference| transforms have been applied". On ds:Object's mimeType attribute XMLSig says that it is an "optional attribute which describes the data within the |Object| (independent of its encoding)" ---> With this reading it seems difficult to me see the differences between both attributes. There are, nevertheless, two things that seem to give some clue: 1. For ds:Reference's Type attribute, XMLSig mentions two usage examples, one identifying the type as a #Manifest and the other identifying it as an #Object. 2. For ds:Object's mimeType, XMLSig mentions that its values must be one of the values defined in MIME. These values identify the media type of what is within ds:Object. It could initially thought that ds:Reference's Type operates at a higher level than the ds:Object's mimeType, the first identifying that what is signed is a ds:Object and the second identifying that the media type of what is signed si for instance a pdf document. If this is true then these attributes could be seen as somehow orthogonal. But this interpretation has one drawback: 1. If the signature is dettached and the signed data object is not a child of a ds:Object, then how to report its media type? If I am not wrong (and please forgive me if I am) the text in a MIME media type identifier could also be seen as a relative URI reference (a one having a relative-part= path-noscheme without query and fragment). If we may set the ds:Reference's Type attribute to a MIME media type then we may assert the media type of the dettached data object to be signed, but then we should make it clear that both attributes overlap in their purposes. In the light of that, I would propose: 1. Decide whether both attributes may overlap in their purposes and in fact a mime media type identifier may be part of the ds:Reference's Type attribute. 2. Propose text for notes (that will not be mandatory) to be included in XMLSig that clearly reflect the aforementioned decisions. Regards Juan Carlos.
Received on Monday, 9 July 2007 13:07:53 UTC