- From: Juan Carlos Cruellas <cruellas@ac.upc.edu>
- Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2007 14:29:51 +0200
- To: xml-sec <"public-xmlsec-maintwg"@w3.org>, Juan Carlos Cruellas <cruellas@ac.upc.edu>
Received on Sunday, 8 July 2007 12:29:59 UTC
Dear all, I attach a html file that tries to be the initial document on test cases. I have produced the document from a xml using the dtd for generating html files for W3C specs. This means that if we want to keep them aligned, the original xml file should be edited. We may talk next meeting how to manage the edition of this document. I could initially volunteer for editing it... Please note that this is a non-complete version. I have concentrated in test cases of the issues that we have been dealing with so far. What is missing: 1. Test cases on xml:base attribute. As I mention in the document I would think in two sets of tests: one with test cases checking if the attribute is correctly inherited by children but not processing relative URIs. The second set would include tests for checking correct processing of relative URIs and there most (if not all) of the examples given by Konrad could be present. 2.references to all the legacy test cases specified by XMLSig WG Regards Juan Carlos
Received on Sunday, 8 July 2007 12:29:59 UTC