- From: Konrad Lanz <Konrad.Lanz@iaik.tugraz.at>
- Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 15:02:12 +0200
- To: XMLSec <public-xmlsec-maintwg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <46B86D54.90101@iaik.tugraz.at>
Dear all, First: taking a quick look at deployed eGovernment Applications in Austria, I came a across the following XPointer examples: "#xmlns(etsi=http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.1.1%23)%20xpointer(id('etsi-data-object-0-1170250194-615474328-3174')/child::etsi:QualifyingProperties/child::etsi:SignedProperties)" In the EBICS Standard the following is used: <Reference URI="#xpointer(//*[@authenticate='true'])"> <Reference URI="#xpointer(%2F%2F*%5B%40authenticate%3D%27true%27%5D)"> Second: There is also a need for clarification in section (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#sec-URI) It is currently unclear whether square Brackets '[' ']' are to be escaped in the fragment part for non IPv6 URIs ... The treatment of the number sign (#) and percent sign (%) is also not entirely clear. e.g.: "http://www.No%231.example.org/path/?query#xpointer(//*[@someattr='%2525]%23['])" vs "http://www.No#1.example.org/path/?query#xpointer(//*[@someattr='%25]#['])" Konrad -- Konrad Lanz, IAIK/SIC - Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria Tel: +43 316 873 5547 Fax: +43 316 873 5520 https://www.iaik.tugraz.at/aboutus/people/lanz http://jce.iaik.tugraz.at Certificate chain (including the EuroPKI root certificate): https://europki.iaik.at/ca/europki-at/cert_download.htm
Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2007 13:02:41 UTC