- From: David Lee <David.Lee@marklogic.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:11:25 +0000
- To: mca <mca@amundsen.com>
- CC: "public-xmlhypermedia@w3.org" <public-xmlhypermedia@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <6AD72D76C2D6F04D8BE471B70D4B991E1CEC15@EXCHG10-BE02.marklogic.com>
So first to answer the questions ... And my answers will expose why this whole thing confuses me. 1) did you know about all the namespaces that would show up on the response _before_ you made the request? if yes, how? Yes. My app when doing a request knows what kind of data its going to get, otherwise it wouldn't know either why it is asking for it or what to do about it if it was wrong. I have never written an app that is expected to handle data it doesn't have a clue about beforehand, and I have a hard time conceiving of one that could. Take your typical REST call to a service (say like Amazon) ... I need to know beforehand even before doing the request the format of the data to send and what to expect (within a predefined set). 2) if you did not know about all the namespaces that would show up in the response beforehand, how did you handle the "unexpected" namespaces? They would be an error. 3) in your work what is the likelihood that you will encounter a response that has an unexpected namespace at runtime? when it occurs, what happens? It would be an error equivalent to a 404 if the data was totally unexpected. ---------- So this should expose my complete misunderstanding about what were trying to achive. To make progress I suggest we proceed as Peter suggested: Lets get over (for now) the namespace issue and see if we can come up with some *semantics* ... --- Peter : But, if there is interest in your option 3, I don't want to be the block on that. If the group thinks that's the right direction, please move on with that. ---- I.e. I suggest we try to define the various attribues or elements in a namespace and define what they mean and work out use cases where we can describe how an application would actually make use of them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Lee Lead Engineer MarkLogic Corporation dlee@marklogic.com Phone: +1 812-482-5224 Cell: +1 812-630-7622 www.marklogic.com<http://www.marklogic.com/> From: mca [mailto:mca@amundsen.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 5:01 PM To: David Lee Cc: Rushforth, Peter; David Carlisle; public-xmlhypermedia@w3.org Subject: Re: Open systems / Freedom ( was RE: The Web as an Application) David: Yes, namespaces are definitely inline information about the data. some questions on your example: 1) did you know about all the namespaces that would show up on the response _before_ you made the request? if yes, how? 2) if you did not know about all the namespaces that would show up in the response before hand, how did you handle the "unexpected" namespaces? 3) in your work what is the likelihood that you will encounter a response that has an unexpected namespace at runtime? when it occurs, what happens? FWIW, i think this community was formed to deal not w/ describing data (that's more than adequately covered in XML today), but to come up w/ a generic way to describe network actions. mca +1.859.757.1449 skype: mca.amundsen http://amundsen.com/blog/ http://twitter.com/mamund https://github.com/mamund http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeamundsen On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 4:36 PM, David Lee <David.Lee@marklogic.com<mailto:David.Lee@marklogic.com>> wrote: This confuses me greatly. If an application knows the document is xml (say via a media type derived from application/xml) then the next step I would take as a consumer of the data would be to look at the namespace of the root element. That tells me more about the data then anything else. This is *in band* information not *out of band* information. Since the media type and the XML content itself is provided in the same HTTP response I dont understand the concept that the media type is the only reliable semantics. I have never once had to use nor seen any value in using a media type more specific then application/xml or text/xml Could you expound on this ? Maybe I just dont "get it". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Lee Lead Engineer MarkLogic Corporation dlee@marklogic.com<mailto:dlee@marklogic.com> Phone: +1 812-482-5224<tel:%2B1%20812-482-5224> Cell: +1 812-630-7622<tel:%2B1%20812-630-7622> www.marklogic.com<http://www.marklogic.com/> From: Rushforth, Peter [mailto:Peter.Rushforth@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca<mailto:Peter.Rushforth@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca>] Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:47 PM To: mca; David Carlisle Cc: public-xmlhypermedia@w3.org<mailto:public-xmlhypermedia@w3.org> Subject: RE: Open systems / Freedom ( was RE: The Web as an Application) In a RESTful system, the (only?) reliable message semantics metadata across servers and clients is the media type. If you stray outside the media type definition, you are relying on out-of-band semantics. That might work where you control the client and the server, but it doesn't scale: application/xml may be a purchase order on my system, but may be a personal health record in a hospital system. The only thing those two messages may have in common is that they have angle brackets. So anything that implies only what the XML specification implies is not communicating very much to potential consumers: the least common denominator, as it were. The suggestion is to add links to that. It's the web, after all. Here's another alternative: Since the definition of xml is separate from the registration of the application/xml media type (from Liam's earlier message), what about adding links to the registration only? You don't have to change the definition of xml then, just its definition on the web. Regards, Peter ________________________________ From: mca [mailto:mca@amundsen.com<mailto:mca@amundsen.com>] Sent: September 24, 2013 13:26 To: David Carlisle Cc: public-xmlhypermedia@w3.org<mailto:public-xmlhypermedia@w3.org> Subject: Re: Open systems / Freedom ( was RE: The Web as an Application) registered mime types are important to the web. working parsers for registered mimetypes are even more important. the advantage that the XML family has is that it is relativity easy to design and ship your own custom parser (XSLT) with each and every snowflake message design you care to invent. as long as you only want to speak in XML, all is fine. start using plain text-based formats, JSON-based messages, videos, and other binary messages and suddenly shipping your parser with the message gets a lot harder. this is all old news. mca +1.859.757.1449<tel:%2B1.859.757.1449> skype: mca.amundsen http://amundsen.com/blog/ http://twitter.com/mamund https://github.com/mamund http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeamundsen On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 1:13 PM, David Carlisle <davidc@nag.co.uk<mailto:davidc@nag.co.uk>> wrote: On 24/09/2013 17:42, Rushforth, Peter wrote: What's astonishing is how many XML vocabularies rely only on application/xml on the web. Why is that surprising at all? If you have a a vocabulary served as application/xml it can in many cases just automatically do the right thing, especially if coupled with an in-document processing instruction such as xml-stylesheet. If you invent a new xml vocabuary and give it a new mime type, there are typically few advantages and a massive disadvantage that the default behaviour for every application is to drop it on the floor as an unknown mimetype. We (finally in MathML3, after 15 years of MathML) got round to registering a mime type for MathML, because some people would find it useful, but it is of very limited use on the web (most convincing use case for it is labelling clipboard formats on some operating systems) David ________________________________________________________________________ The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 1249803. 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