Error in test case entry sun/not-wf/encoding07.xml

The XML file listing SUN's not-wf test cases seems to have an
error in the entry for the test case with ID encoding07:

The entry looks like this:

<TEST URI="not-wf/encoding07.xml" ID="encoding07" TYPE="not-wf" SECTIONS="4.3.1 [77]"
    Text declarations (which optionally begin any external entity)
    are required to have "encoding=...". </TEST>

The attribute ENTITIES should have the value "general", since the test
case requires general entity expansion, as can be seen from the test case itself:

<!DOCTYPE root [
    <!ELEMENT root EMPTY>

 reusing this entity; it's got no markup decls,
 so it's legal except for a missing "encoding=...".
    <!ENTITY empty SYSTEM "dtd07.dtd">

I came across this problem as our test app did not turn on
general entity expansion and so the Expat parser would not
report a WF error.


Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2004 16:06:42 UTC