Re: Standalone document VC and WFC inconsistency

I wrote
> Perhaps you give a little example of a standalone document that
> you think has these attributes?

I have been experimenting with this a little further, and I think I've
devised a test case that pinpoints the VC: Standalone Document:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE test [
<!ENTITY % pe "
       <!ENTITY x 'x'>
       <!ATTLIST test foo CDATA '&x;'>
" >
<test foo='x'/>

Do you agree this test file is
a) well-formed
b) invalid, for the only reason that the default value for parameter foo
refers to &x; which is 'externally' declared.


Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2002 10:46:36 UTC