[Bug 10100] addB145
[Bug 10100] New: addB145
[Bug 10111] New: stE072 invalid - ID as outermost element
[Bug 10111] stE072 invalid - ID as outermost element
[Bug 10121] New: WG-submitted substitution-group tests
[Bug 4064] stZ041 - simpleType with final=extension
[Bug 4076] addB049: key with wider scope than keyref
[Bug 4078] addB156 - schemaLocation after first use of namespace
[Bug 4115] RegexTest_65
[Bug 4124] MS additional tests: inline schema
[Bug 4125] MS dataTypes base64Binary
[Bug 4126] MS dataTypes anyURI_a004
[Bug 4131] Microsoft "schema" test set, schAn
[Bug 4132] Microsoft "schema" test set, schD8
[Bug 4136] Microsoft "schema" test set, schU3 (duplicate definitions)
[Bug 4137] Microsoft "schema" test set, schZ012_a
[Bug 4140] MS ModelGroups test mgO013
[Bug 4143] Microsoft Particles test particlesIg003
[Bug 4144] Microsoft Particles test particlesIg004
[Bug 4146] MS Element tests: elemZ026
[Bug 4147] MS Particles tests: particlesV020
[Bug 4148] SUN tests: dependency on float/double formatting
[Bug 4228] Additional Tests: Unresolved reference to attribute
[Bug 4229] Schema: Importing with empty schemaLocation
[Bug 4948] Particles: Ob003
[Bug 6247] addB194 contains invalid URI
[Bug 6446] wrong result for IDREFS_length006_395 and NMTOKENS_length006_438
Complex content derived from simple content - test case particlesZ031
testSet version="x"
Versions and optional features
Last message date: Saturday, 10 July 2010 20:51:49 UTC