Re: flow example from Henry's work

another draft


xproc version = "2.0";

inputs: $source as document-node()
outputs: $result as document-node()

declare option p:exclude-inline-prefixes="my c p"
declare option p:expr-lang="xpath30"

declare option language
declare option match
declare option attr

declare flow my:dyer
  inputs: $source as document-node()
  outputs: $result as document-node()
($langage as xs:string,
 $match as xs:string,
 $attr as xs:string
$source → replace $match {
  [] → xs:string(/*/@{$attr} ≫ $ca,
  [] → { if($lex($ca))
         then attribute $attr{ $lex($ca) }
         else . } ≫ []
 } ≫ $result

≫ $lexmap

$source →
  my:dyer(match=$match,lex=$lexmap,attr=$attr) ≫ $result

On 3 March 2016 at 14:34, James Fuller <> wrote:
> At yesterday's team meeting, Henry presented his work
> where he has authored non trivial xproc v1 and xproc v2 pipeline with
> the xml syntax to discover API semantics, which he has started to
> collect thoughts below:
> These examples are an excellent 'proving ground' for the new flow
> syntax and I have attached below.
> As we are still discussing specifics of syntax and fleshing out how
> expressions may fit into the language I have taken some liberties and
> there are some glaring omissions.
> The flow syntax is easier to read and easier to follow 'flow' but we
> still have a bit of work to make things explicit. If we can get build
> up a corpus of such examples, they will serve us well as a guide for
> when we start speccing.
> J
> ---------------
> xproc version = "2.0";
> inputs: $source as document-node()
> outputs: $result as document-node()
> declare option output:exclude-inline-prefixes="my c p"
> declare %required option language
> declare %required option match
> declare %required option attr
> declare flow my:dyer
>   inputs: $source as document-node()
>   outputs: $result as document-node()
> ($langage as xs:string,
>  $match as xs:string,
>  $attr as xs:string
> ){
> $source → replace $match {
>   [] → data xml `/*/@{$attr}` ≫ $ca,
>   [] → { if($lex($ca))
>          then data xml `attribute $attr{ $lex($ca) }`
>          else . } ≫ []
>  } ≫ $result
> }
> p:load(href="{$language}.json",
> override-content-type="application/json")?colourMap ≫ $lexmap
> $source →
>   my:dyer(match={$match},lex={$lexmap},attr={$attr}) ≫ $result

Received on Thursday, 3 March 2016 15:40:06 UTC