pulling on some threads

After a long mental absence, I have started to address a few action
items but thought it would be useful to pull together a number of
items (more for my sake).

Please correct if any of my assumptions are incorrect.

I) republish latest requirements v2 doc

 I am doing another pass on this doc now, will publish today or
tomorrow so we can assess where we are at.

 I don't think we have added anything new to the list of things to
consider, though I note there has been some email list discussion on
items that may be useful to discuss.

II) zip/unzip Note

  I published rough draft, will continue tweaking till we review at
next meeting.

III) File and System Note

  Norm has published a great first draft on this.

III) Tracing v1. requirements and use cases to XProc v1.0

 Several times we have mentioned we want to publish the doc that Alex
(and Murray) worked on as a Note or as some kind of addenda to
original v1. requirements doc.


I don't have latest url for that doc, but I think it is pretty close
for publication as a Note and would be a useful resource for going
into the next round of requirements vnext discussions

Anyone have the latest link to this ?

thx in advance, J

Received on Sunday, 4 August 2013 18:42:17 UTC