Re: XProc Agenda 20 September 2012

Regrets. I am traveling on Thursday.

On 2012-09-19, at 7:50 PM, Alex Milowski <> wrote:

> It looks like I'll be chairing tomorrow's call.  I've put together an
> agenda but not through the same snazzy tools that Norm usually uses.
> As such, it isn't online.  ...and I should have sent this out sooner.
> XProc Agenda 20 Sep 2012
> Meeting 220.
> The XML Processing Model (XProc) WG will meet on Thursday, 20 Sep 2012 at
> [1]10:00a EST (07:00a PST, 15:00GMT, 16:00CET) for one hour on the W3C
> Zakim Bridge, [2]+1-617-761-6200 (or [3]via SIP), passcode [4]97762#
> ("XPROC").
> XProc uses the [5]#xproc IRC channel on (or via the [6]web
> interface). The IRC channel is used for managing agendas, minutes, and
> other aspects of the teleconference, so please join us there if at all
> possible.
> See the [7]XProc WG page for pointers to current documents and other
> information. If you have additions to the agenda, please email them to the
> WG list before the start of the telcon.
> 1. Administrivia
>      1. Roll call.
>      2. Accept this [8]agenda.
>      3. Accept the [9]minutes of 06 Sep 2012.
>      4. Next meeting: 27 Sep 2012.
>      5. Review of open action items:
>            * [10]A-206-02: Jim to start drafting a note for p:zip/p:unzip
>            * [11]A-209-01: Norm to write up an alternate parameters
>              proposal in a little more detail
>            * [12]A-210-01: Henry to draft notes for 2.1 and 2.2 saying
>              that a validating parser cannot be used if there's an
>              external subset and to say in 2.3 and 2.4 explicitly that
>              validation could be performed
>            * [13]A-210-02: Norm or Henry to implement Michael's editorial
>              changes, raising any issues we see, if any.
>            * [14]A-210-03: Norm to draft notes for 2.1 and 2.2 to

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2012 03:20:15 UTC