Re: p:schema-import

/ Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
| On 17 May 2008, at 16:26, Norman Walsh wrote:
|> It occurs to me that if we want to support expressions like this:
|> |  <p:choose>
|> |   <p:when test="p:psvi-available()">
|> |    <p:delete match="element(*,my:doomedType)"/>
|> |   </p:when>
|> we're going to need a p:schema-import statement to provide type
|> information to the XProc processor.
| No new features! (Well, it's worth a shot ;)

Fair point. "We don't want to support expressions like this."

| Seriously, we could say that for XProc v1, even if you're using XPath
| 2.0, the in-scope schema definitions are all empty. 

Or implementation-defined?

| If you want to do
| schema-aware processing, you have to use XQuery or XSLT or another
| schema-aware step to do so.
| Then an implementation could offer a <psvi-aware:delete> step; the
| implementation's definition of psvi-aware:delete would include
| information about how the in-scope schema definitions are populated
| prior to the evaluation of the 'match' option (eg through another
| option or parameters, using the PSVI itself, using a fixed set of
| known namespaces, ...).

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Any idiot can face a crisis; it's this            | day-to-day living that wears you
                              | out.--Anton Chekhov

Received on Monday, 19 May 2008 15:59:49 UTC