Re: Standard error codes - QNames or not?

/ was heard to say:
| I have a question about standard error codes in XProc, such as
| 'err:XS0001'. Are they meant to be QNames, or just string constants? If
| they are QNames, what namespace is the prefix 'err' bound to?

They are QNames. I guess we need to say that a little more explicitly.
Mohamed pointed you to the error namespace.

| Related to this, can p:error be used for generating standard XProc
| errors (such as err:XS0001)?

I'm of two minds. I could see forbidding them on principle, on the
other hand, I don't see a lot of danger allowing them.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Abandoning rhyme and fixed rules in            | favor of other intuitive rules brings
                              | us back to fixed rules and to rhyme
                              | with renewed respect.--Jean Cocteau

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2008 21:48:47 UTC