[closed] Re: Naming of p:declare-step

Nope, that one didn't make it through. (See minutes of 14 Feb 2008).

/ Jeni Tennison <jeni@jenitennison.com> was heard to say:
| I'm really sorry to bring this up, and if people shout at me I'll go
| away, but it just struck me that now that p:declare-step has such
| prominence now we really ought to give it a better name.
| In XSLT, we don't have <xsl:declare-template> or
| <xsl:declare-decimal-format>, we have <xsl:template> and
| <xsl:decimal-format>. In XSD, we don't have <xs:defineComplexType> or
| <xs:declareElement>, we have <xs:complexType> and <xs:element>.
| So let's rename <p:declare-step> as p:step or p:step-type or
| p:step-kind -- the important thing is what we're declaring, not the
| fact that we're declaring it.
| Cheers,
| Jeni
| -- 
| Jeni Tennison
| http://www.jenitennison.com

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 16:21:16 UTC