Re: p:www-form-urlencode should be able to keep string value matched

Sorry, that was not exactly my point

I was thinking of something like ""
which could be concatenated to "?foo=1&bar=2" because parameters has two
parameter foo and bar defined

Am I right, or do I misunderstand that

May there should be an example of what is the expected result



On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Norman Walsh <> wrote:

> / Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
> |  In 7.2.8 p:www-form-urlencode
> | Please add the possibility that the string value of the matched node
> could
> | be kept and concatenated to the generated string may be as an option
> | If not you should provide at least at static prefix as p:option
> Uhm. What value is a random bit of string before or after a set of
> url-encoded parameters. It's either going to mangle the name of the
> first key or the value of the last.
> I suppose we could add an encode-content option:
>  <p:option name="encode-content"/>  <!-- xs:string -->
> And say that it provides the name of the key to use for the content.
> So if you say <p:www-form-urlencode encode-content="foo">... then
> the string value of the matched node is used, "&foo=stringvalue", in
> the encoded result.
>                                        Be seeing you,
>                                          norm
> --
> Norman Walsh <> | I don't make predictions. I never have
>            | and I never will.--Tony Blair

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Received on Thursday, 24 April 2008 14:26:04 UTC