Re: p:label-elements builtin

> >  2) Generate sequential integers, and default the 'prefix' option to
> >     '_';

Add "starting at 1, with no leading zeroes".

> I find "integer" very limitative. It should be
> "implementation-defined" as generate-id()

I disagree.  Not using a predictable algorithm in XSLT's generate-id()
is just for efficiency reasons, and is very inconvenient for users
(e.g. when comparing output from different XSLT processors, or even
different runs of the same XSLT processor).  I don't see any such
efficiency consideration in our case.

It's also useful to be able to generate sequential purely numeric
attributes by setting the prefix to "".

-- Richard

Received on Monday, 3 September 2007 17:29:20 UTC