[closed] Re: output ports of choose, try

/ Richard Tobin <richard@inf.ed.ac.uk> was heard to say:
|> I think the paragraph that reads
|>   The result of the p:choose is the result of the selected subpipeline.
|> is supposed to say that. I expanded that paragraph to read:
|>   The outputs of the p:choose are copies of the outputs of the
|>   selected subpipeline. The p:choose has the same number of outputs as
|>   the selected subpipeline with the same names. If the selected
|>   subpipeline has a primary output port, the port with the same name
|>   on the p:choose is also a primary output port.
|> I amended the description of p:try in a similar way.
| That looks good.
| -- Richard

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Received on Monday, 1 October 2007 21:04:26 UTC