Re: XProc Minutes 27 Sep 2007

>   pipeline library
>    ->
> ep/0143.html
>    Norm: So the question is, if you hand a pipeline *library* to a processor
>    should it run a particular pipeline.
>    ... Seems to me that the implementation should take an option to specify
>    which library

Should this say "which pipeline"?

Certainly I think you should be able to run a pipeline from a library,
but that amounts to just saying you should be able to run a pipeline
by name and be able to import libraries in which to find it.

>    Norm muses out loud about running the first pipeline

I'm fairly sure we discussed this before, but I don't remember
what we concluded.

I'm dubious about making the order of pipelines in a library significant.

But all this seems to be encroaching on the user interface.  I think
we should just require that implementations

(a) provide a way to run the pipeline in a p:pipeline file
(b) provide a way to run a named pipeline after loading one or more

-- Richard

Received on Monday, 1 October 2007 20:47:30 UTC