Re: Should defaulted ports be named?

/ Richard Tobin <> was heard to say:
| The defaulted output port of a subpipeline is given the name "result".
| And the defaulted input and output ports of a pipeline (if we keep them)
| are given the names "source" and "result".
| Since the purpose of these is to simplify the very basic case of
| straight-line pipelines, wouldn't it be better for them to have
| unusable names such as "!result"?

Yes, I think so. Just as we gave anonymous steps unreferenceable names.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A man must have grown old and lived            | long in order to see how short life
                              | is.-- Schopenhauer

Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2007 15:57:13 UTC