Re: can we have last() having a consistent value ?

On 5/24/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> / "Innovimax SARL" <> was heard to say:
> | On 5/24/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> |> Here are the options as I see them:
> |>
> |> 1. We use context position and context size and we make them be
> |> correct. The context size is the number of documents in the sequence
> |> and the context position is the number of the document in that
> |> sequence.
> |>
> |> 2. We use context position and context size and we accept the fact
> |> that we can't reliably set the context size, so we always make it
> |> equal to the context position. (Or we always make it MAXINT; I don't
> |> much care.)
> |>
> |> 3. We don't use context position and context size and we always
> |> set them both to "1". We use a separate extension function to return
> |> the number of the document in the sequence.
> |>
> |> Only in case 1 do we get complete consistency. But that totally
> |> prevents a streaming implementation and requires (possibly massive
> |> amounts of) buffering. I don't think it'll be difficult to persuade
> |> our users that this is an unattractive option. (What's more, if they
> |> have a step that actually really needs to know how many documents
> |> are in the sequence, they can compute it with p:count.)
> |
> | This is just exactly true
> | In a p:for-each, you cannot have an equivalent of last() because you
> | will never at the previous step know how many match there will be.
> |
> | Just take <p:for-each select="//*[@xml:id]"> in an sequence of
> | enormous documents as an example
> As Jeni just pointed out, we could insist that you count them if
> someone asked for last().
> |> In case 2, we get consistency in the sense that, by analogy with the
> |> xsl:for-each case, the context position (and the position() function)
> |> will count the documents, just as a user would expect. We get some
> |> inconsistency because the last() function returns a value that's
> |> possibly smaller than the actual case will ultimately turn out to be.
> |>
> |> In case 3, we get literal consistency in the sense that always
> |> returning "1" is consistent. However, whether or not this is more or
> |> less consistent with the users view is an open question. A user who
> |> imagines that processing a sequence of documents with a step is
> |> analagous to performing an xsl:for-each operation over the sequence
> |> may be quite surprised to learn that position() returns "1" even after
> |> more than one document has been processed. And with respect to the
> |> context size, our answer is "consistent" but no more-or-less correct
> |> than in case 2 since last() will always return "1" even when there
> |> were 100 documents in the sequence.
> |>
> |> Given that in no case except 1 is the last() function useful, and
> |> given that the definition of p:position() has to exactly mirror what
> |> the user might have expected position() to be in case 2, I think it
> |> makes sense to use the context position.
> |>
> |> This also means that steps don't have to understand anything about
> |> extension functions.
> |
> | Thank for this fair summarize
> |
> | Beeing consistent for me is that
> |
> | wether we have p:count (as a component)
> That's orthogonal, surely.
> | and p:position (as a variable
> | or a function)
> Or just use position()
> | AND p:is-last-in-sequence (as a variable or a function)
> We don't have p:is-last-in-sequence() so that's not an issue today.
> | or we have last() and position() (and we don't do streaming so ....)
> |
> | having half of that is just a way to make things difficult to user to
> | admit the limitation of streaming as consistent
> I don't think using position() makes things difficult for the user
> (irrespective of what last() returns). I think having position()
> return 1 and asking the user remember to use p:position() makes things
> difficult for the user.
> | one other point no one has made is that I will never be able to use
> | position() in Pattern
> | <p:viewport match="p[p:position() &lt; $max-to-process]">
> | in not easily done with your proposal
> Match only takes a single document, so p:position() will only ever be 1.

Oh damned !
I see my mistake
So I think that p:blabla_index was doing what I said !

> If instead, you try
>  <p:for-each select="//p[p:position() &lt; $max-to-process]">
> then you get, uhm, all the "p" elements in each document that's less
> than the $max-to-process'th document and none of the "p" elements in
> any other document, I guess.
> That seems like another argument in favor of using position() since
> position() in that expression would have the natural XPath meaning
> and the user wouldn't be encouraged to attempt such things.
> I don't think there's any useful way to use p:position() in a match or
> select on viewport or for-each. You can use p:head and p:tail to do
> anything you might want to do in a much more natural fashion.

I think I'm almost done ! I now see the difference of what I wanted
which was a mix of position() and p:blabla_index

But I still think that some of us got the mistake still wrong

<!-- the default input is a document -->
<p:for-each select="//p">
  <p:option name="my-pos" select="position()"/>

what are the successive values of $my-pos in that case ?

Innovimax SARL
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Received on Saturday, 26 May 2007 08:35:08 UTC