Re: p:head and p:tail

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| Can we imagine to have negative values for count
| In such a case
| p:head with count < 0 is equivalent to have all the last |count|
| documents of the sequence

My experience with 'head' would lead me to expect:

p:head count=3  ==> the first three
p:head count=-3 ==> all *but* the last three (is that what you meant?)

| p:tail with count < 0 is equivalent to have all but the first |count|
| documents of the sequence

By analogy, I suppose:

p:tail count=3 ==> the last three
p:tail count=-3 ==> all but the first three

| I have some use case where I want all but the last and the first
| document of the sequence and don't want to go to p:matching-document
| AND p:count


If we provide outputs for 'non-matching' documents, then you don't
need negative arguments, you just take "the other" sequence.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Our culture peculiarly honors the act            | of blaming, which it takes as the sign
                              | of virtue and intellect.--Lionel
                              | Trilling

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 18:40:57 UTC