Re: Extension functions

/ Alex Milowski <> was heard to say:
| On 5/23/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
|> Anyone disagree?
| Partially.
| I don't see any value in exposing in-scope *options* as variable bindings
| as our use of options and their values aren't going to help select
| content.
| I could see exposing in-scope *parameters* as variable bindings as
| long as in-scope parameters means those parameters calculated
| for the compound step's contained steps.

We can't possibly expose *options* as variables in XProc

   <p:option name="output-method" select="$output-method"/>

and *parameters* as variables in steps. That would be insane!

If you want to argue that we don't need to expose *any* variable
bindings in steps, I guess you could make that argument, but it
seems pretty hard to explain.

Why can I say

   <p:option name="output-method" select="$output-method"/>

when I can't say

   <p:option name="match" value="//foo[@bar = $bar-value]"/>

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | To think is not enough; you must think            | of something.--Jules Renard

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 20:27:15 UTC