Re: Types for Option Values

/ Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
| We definitely need to pass namespaces in to the step

Actually, I think you have to keep the namespace context that's
associated no only with the step, but also with each of it's p:option
and p:parameter elements. Users probably aren't actually going to change
the namespace bindings between p:option elements, but there's nothing to
stop them.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The delivering of knowledge in distinct            | and disjointed aphorisms doth leave the
                              | wit of man more free to turn and toss,
                              | and to make use of that which is so
                              | delivered to more several purposes and
                              | applications.--Sir Francis Bacon

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 11:21:42 UTC