Re: Make p:http-request required?

Alex Milowski wrote:
> On 4/30/07, *Norman Walsh* < <>> wrote:
>     I propose that we move [p:http-request] to the "required" pile. 
> + 1 to that!!!

Are there any security considerations that we need to worry about?

I don't really understand how p:http-request works (as in the 30th April
draft). It doesn't seem to be a standard atomic step, since it has
attributes that correspond to options. Shouldn't its signature be more like:

<p:declare-step type="p:http-request">
   <p:input port="request-entity" sequence="no"/>
   <p:output port="response-status" sequence="no" />
   <p:output port="response-headers" sequence="no"/>
   <p:output port="response-entity" sequence="no" />
   <p:option name="href" required="yes" />
   <p:option name="method" required="no" value="GET" />
   <p:option name="http-version" required="no" value="1.1" />
   <p:param name="*" />

possibly without the http-version option, and with other options for 
important headers such as Content-Type.

Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 7 May 2007 07:24:10 UTC