The 'secondary' output on the XSLT 1.0 step

Has anyone successfully implemented this? I've looked at the
implementation of the "output to file" extension functions for Xalan,
XSLTC, and Saxon 6. None of them seem amenable to making this work.
I'm not suggesting it couldn't be done, but I don't think it can be
done without fairly substantial hacking in the core of these tools.
I'd like ot not set the bar that high for implementors.

The XSLT 1.0 specification does not describe secondary outputs; I'm
tempted to suggest that we remove it from our XSLT 1.0 component.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The shortness of life can neither            | dissuade us from its pleasures, nor
                              | console us for its pains.-- Vauvenargues

Received on Sunday, 6 May 2007 17:11:35 UTC