Re: base uri

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| Since the beginning we stay a little bit fuzzy on the notion of base
| uri for a document in a sequence

Yes. That's been worrying me too.

| But since XSLT and XSLT 2.0 outputs a sequence of documents which are
| referenced by URI from inside XSLT, we need to have access to that
| information
| Here are the way to do that
| 1) XProc give access to base-uri() function.
| 2) XProc add an xml:base attribute to the root of the document (with
| the *ENORMOUS* risk to  disturb later mechanism for that document :
| XLink resolution, etc.)
| 3) XProc introduce a new $p:base-uri bounded to the URI of the current
| doc in the sequence
| 4) something else ?

None of the above. The base URI of a document is an intrinsic property
of the document. The processor has to "do the right thing" but where
in the pipeline language does an author benefit from being able to
interrogate it?

We do need to make sure each step says what it does with the base URI
of the documents it processes. Hopefully we can make a blanket
statement that it preserves it and simply note the exceptions.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A life, admirable at first sight, may            | have cost so much in imposed
                              | liabilities, chores and self-abasement,
                              | that, brilliant though it appears, it
                              | cannot be considered other than a
                              | failure. Another, which seems to have
                              | misfired, is in reality a triumphant
                              | success, because it has cost so
                              | little.--Henry De Montherlant

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 20:09:04 UTC