Re: Case where well formed ness could fly away

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
|> > Namespace rename
|> > You have to take care of Uniqueness of Attributes
|> > example
|> > <a ns1:a="2" ns2:a="2" xmlns:ns1="ns1" xmlns:ns2="ns2">..</a>
|> > rename from="ns2" to="ns1"
|> Namespace renames are by URI.  This shouldn't happen if the input document
|> is well-formed already.
| Sorry I use the same value for prefix and namespace URI , but I was speaking
| of URI, please reread with that in mind

Yes, I see the problem. We should make this a dynamic error from the

|> > Set attributes
|> > You have to take care of Uniqueness of Attributes
|> > <a ns1:a="2" xmlns:ns1="ns">
|> >
|> > attributes : <root ns2:a="3" xmlns:ns2="ns">
|> Attributes are merged and when they have the same name, the "attributes"
|> port
|> wins.
| what is the same name ? local name or QName ? in the case I present what
| would be the result ?

The result would be that the attribute with the local name "a" in the
namespace "ns" would have the value "3". How the prefixes get resolved
is probably implementation defined.

| Unwrap
|> > Can fail, one case is identified, but what about removing the node
|> > which contains namespace declarations ?
|> Namespace declaration fixup will be necessary  during serialization for
|> the results of many steps--not just unwrap.
| I'm sorry, I **strongly** disagree. What is you definition of serialization
| ? The namespace fixup should happen even when the flow will never be
| serialized. It's a DOM or SAX or StAX issue.
| As far, as I know, I will still have to be able to make a select on the
| resulting document
| As such, that's a serialization
|> problem.  Between steps, the namespaces and local names are known
|> and implementations that do not serialize between steps will not have
|> to worry about that.
| I think you miss the question
| <a xmlns:ns2="ns1URI">
|  <b xmlns:ns2="ns2URI">
|    <ns2:c/>
|    <ns2:c/>
|    <ns2:c/>
|    <ns2:c/>
|  </b>
| </a>
| I want to unwrap "b", will i have
| <a xmlns:ns2="ns1URI">
|    <ns2:c/>
|    <ns2:c/>
|    <ns2:c/>
| </a>
| or
| <a xmlns:ns2="ns1URI">
|  <ns2:c xmlns:ns2="ns2URI"/>
|  <ns2:c xmlns:ns2="ns2URI"/>
|  <ns2:c xmlns:ns2="ns2URI"/>
| </a>
| or something else ?

You'll have the latter. Or something equivalent to it.

| We should probably make sure we have a general statement about
|> this somewhere in the spec.
| I agree, but I fear the problem is specific to unwrap in that case

I think the serialize/store components will have to say something
about doing namespace fixup. Several steps can tinker with QNames
and may leave the prefixes in a mess. That's only relevant if the
documents are serialized.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Everything we love, no doubt, will pass            | away, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps a
                              | thousand years hence. Neither it nor
                              | our love for it is any the less
                              | valuable for that reason.--John Passmore

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 18:03:21 UTC