Re: component questions

On 3/16/07, Alex Milowski <> wrote:
> On 3/15/07, Henry S. Thompson <> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Alex Milowski writes:
> >
> >
> > > You want to xinclude a document where the documents that are included
> > > are from the sequence provided on the 'documents' port.  The regular
> > > the XInclude processor would uses the URI directly and gets them
> > > from that URI in an implementation defined way.  This version of
> XInclude
> > > gets them from content in the pipeline (i.e. the sequence documents
> supplied
> > > on
> > > the 'documents' port).
> > >

Here it is interesting

> > > The only difference is that the regular xinclude just uses the URI and
> > > this xinclude ***looks*** for documents in the sequence supplied on
> > > the 'documents' input port.

So here is my question back

how do you define an xml:base on output port ?

> >
> > Sorry, still absolutely baffled -- please give example of primary
> > document with its xi:include statements.
> In didn't expect this component to be this hard to understand which
> obviously
> means that I need to expand the description.
> I have a document A that uses xinclude to include documents B and C.
> Currently, the XInclude step would use the base URI of A to formulate
> the absolute URI of B and C from the the xi:include element's href
> attribute.  Let's call these uris URIB and URIC.  The regular xinclude
> step would just read from URIB and URIC to perform the include.
> This new component wouldn't read from URIB and URIC and instead
>  look at the sequence of documents provided on the 'documents'
> port.  If it finds a document whose base URI is 'URIB' or 'URIC',
> it will use them for the xinclude.  Otherwise, it will "fail" however
> the xinclude spec says.
> In general, this step includes from the sequence and only considers
> "known" document to be those in the sequence provided on the
> 'documents' input port.  All other URI values are "not found".
> --
> --Alex Milowski
> "The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
> inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language
> considered."
> Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

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Received on Friday, 16 March 2007 16:45:11 UTC