Re: In-scope namespaces and parameter values


Alex Milowski wrote:
> I think we stop at the level where the XProc processor has the
> QName value (with a possible prefix) and supplies the appropriate
> in-scope namespaces.  That is the component and it uses
> that pair to evaluate a XML name--which is a namespace name
> and local name pair.  At that point, it has everything it needs
> to configure an implementation technology (e.g. Saxon 8's XSLT
> 2.0 engine).

I agree.

> Our component terminology might be a little bit confusing in
> that there typically is a "configuration wrapper" layer that
> takes the information provided by the XProc processor and
> configures an actual implementation technology.  In the
> case of XSLT 2.0, it would be instantiating and configuring
> the XSLT engine and transformation.

Yes: that was the distinction I was making between the "component" (the 
wrapper) and the "processor" (the actual implementation of the technology).

Do I take it you agree with me that we can get away with just having a 
warning in the spec about the fact that different namespace associations 
might be in scope when an option value is specified (e.g. in the 
invocation of a pipeline) to when the option value is provided to the 
component (at the invocation of a step). Or do you have an alternative 
solution to that problem?


Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 12 March 2007 14:28:23 UTC