Re: Default bindings on p:output incoherent???

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| Hum....for debugging reason, I would be pleased to FORCE the ouput of
| the step (when waiting for it to be fully implemented for example)

A step that hasn't been implemented will cause the pipeline to fail,
so you can't get the result I think you intend.

| Why can't we allow that in the declare step ?

I see two problems with allowing a fixed, default output on declare-step?

1. I don't know of any use cases for it

2. As an implementor, making all of the steps of a particular type have
   the same fixed output looks fairly tricky.

It seems like a feature that would only ever be used in test suites :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | More imagination would indeed be a mere            | trifling; only no imagination is
                              | *mere*.--C. S. Peirce

Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 14:37:24 UTC