New draft...sortof

I did my best to produce a new draft, but I didn't really get to a
stage where it feels solid. Not because of any decisions we've made,
just because I didn't have enough time to finish.

The new draft is available at

with a diff

highlighting the following changes:

* Updated schema for p:pipeline-input position

* Snapshot; generate syntax diagrams from RELAX NG grammar; implement
  parameters proposal of 14 June; add p:iteration-count

* Implemented recent decisions: new parameters proposal, select
  expressions on p:input must return nodes, added p:step-available,
  added @type to p:pipeline

* Implemented 'low hanging fruit': added p:empty, made the default
  readable port the default binding for p:input and friends, changed
  state variables to functions, described the p:system-property
  function including the p:episode functionality, removed p:tee

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Everything should be made as simple as            | possible, but no simpler.

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 12:12:19 UTC