Re: Option syntax

On 5/31/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> / Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
> [...]
> | I understand the argument that it'd be a pain for implementers to
> | provide context to all XPath expressions while still providing
> | efficient applications, but given a choice between least surprise to
> | users and least work to implementers, I'm going to opt for the former.
> | In all other cases (eg <p:for-each>, <p:viewport>, <p:choose>), we say
> | that the default readable port provides the context if one isn't
> | specified explicitly.
> Yes. I've never thought of options in these terms, but I concede that
> the principle of least surprise applies.
> | In the case of <p:choose> (where you also have
> | to evaluate an XPath expression), it's a dynamic error if the default
> | readable port gives a sequence: if you prefer that rule to picking the
> | first document, I'd be happy with that.
> Yes, I like that better.


It just recall me that I would never be able to make something like this
  <p:when test=" the input a sequence...">

I would propose a p:occurence component, that will do something like
p:count but only give 3 possible answers : 0, 1, + (so will need small

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Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 22:12:48 UTC