Cardinality of inputs

There was a thread recently about cardinality of inputs. The thrust
being that it was odd to have to say that a step accepted a sequence
in order for it to accept zero or one documents.

I don't recall anyone objecting to the idea in principle, but I didn't
really like the syntax options very much.

Here's another option that I think I like better:

  <p:input ... sequence="yes|no" optional="yes|no" ... />

This breaks out as follows:

  Sequence    Optional    Input accepts
  --------    --------    -------------
    no           no       Exactly one document
    yes          no       One or more documents
    no           yes      Zero or one documents
    yes          yes      Zero or more documents

I think the default, in both cases, should be "no".


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | One's never alone with a rubber duck.            | 

Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 20:35:19 UTC